Nuovi uffici per una carpenteria metallica | Nicola Martinoli

Esine / Italy / 2021

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The design of C.O.M.S. Metal Carpentry's new office building stemmed from a specific request from the client: to conceive a modular, repeatable and flexible all-steel construction system. This system had to be simple to design, quick to produce and extremely versatile depending on the functions it was to fulfill.

For these reasons, a 4.25x3.85m module made of 300x300x10mm steel tubulars was designed, which, repeated and assembled n times in the three spatial directions could accommodate any function within it.
The building that houses the new office building is a kind of catalog and showcase of the countless configurations that this building system can allow for: there are in fact modules for single offices, for double offices, for a meeting room, for service functions such as locker rooms, bathrooms and canteen, for a two-story warehouse and for an archive. The module was even used to create, three-dimensionally and full-scale, the company's logo, which will be prominently displayed on the main façade, clearly visible to the many persons who drive daily along the route SS42.

The concept of modularity is also found on the façade where fully glazed and fully blind modules alternate. The glazed parts were made with a mullion and transom curtain wall system, with the inclusion of some opening modules corresponding to the entrance to the administrative offices and the entrance to the workers' locker rooms.

The blind modules were made with a dry curtain walling system using high-performance energy-efficient materials.

The outer cladding of these modules is made of an anthracite gray painted metal trapezoidal sheet with a 28-mm corrugation. In each module, 3 sheets of trapezoidal metal sheet pre- cut to size were laid to minimize production waste and allow installers to optimize assembly time.

This material was chosen in keeping with the original philosophy of the concept to meet the needs for flexibility, modularity and speed of installation that this project required. Also, from an aesthetic point of view, this solution responded perfectly to the conceptual language of this building: in fact, it gives an “industrial” and “mechanical” look to the blind modules, but at the same time, thanks to the light ribbing laid vertically, it guarantees vibration and lightness to the partitions.


Client : C.O.M.S. S.p.A.
Location: Esine (BS), Italy
Procedure: direct contracting
Program: offices, warehouse, locker rooms, canteen, archives
Architectural designer and construction manager of the office building: Arch. Nicola
Designer of carpentry structures: MG Engineering
Designer of mechanical and plumbing systems: Eng. Simone Carreri
Electrical systems designer: Eng. Sergio Damiola
Production building structures designer: Eng. Giordano Tignonsini
Production building construction manager: Arch. Dario Gheza, Arch. Diana Gheza and Eng. Giordano Tignonsini
Construction office building: C.O.M.S. S.p.A.
Construction of production building: Magnetti Building S.p.A.
Area: 1,040 m2 (office building) - 5,700 m2 (production building) - 19,000 m2 (project area)
Missions: feasibility project, preliminary design, final design and construction permit, executive design, construction supervision
Timeline: project 2019/2020 - construction site 2020/2021 Suppliers
Windows and doors: SCHÜCO
Roofing: AT GROUP s.a.s
Office partitions: CENTRUFFICIO LORETO s.p.a.
Locker room and bathroom furniture: SINKO s.r.l. unipersonale


Il progetto della nuova palazzina uffici della carpenteria metallica C.O.M.S. nasce da una precisa richiesta della committenza: concepire un sistema costruttivo modulare, ripetibile e flessibile, completamente in acciaio. Questo sistema doveva essere semplice da progettare,
veloce da produrre ed estremamente versatile a seconda delle funzioni che doveva assolvere.

Per questi motivi è stato ideato un modulo da 4.25x3.85m realizzato con tubolari in acciaio da 300x300x10mm, che, ripetuto e assemblato n volte nelle tre direzioni spaziali potesse accogliere al suo interno qualsiasi funzione.

L’edificio che ospita la nuova palazzina uffici è una sorta di catalogo e di vetrina delle innumerevoli configurazioni che questo sistema costruttivo può permettere di realizzare: si trovano in fatti moduli per uffici singoli, per uffici doppi, per una sala riunioni, per funzioni di servizio come spogliatoi, bagni e mensa, per un magazzino su due piani e per un archivio. Il modulo è stato addirittura utilizzato per realizzare, tridimensionalmente e a scala reale il logo dell’azienda che farà bella mostra di sé sulla facciata principale, ben visibile dai numerosi automobilisti che percorrono quotidianamente la SS42.

Il concetto della modularità si ritrova anche in facciata dove si alternano moduli interamente vetrati e moduli interamente ciechi. Le parti vetrate sono state realizzate con un sistema di facciata continua a montanti e traversi, con l’inserimento di alcuni moduli apribili corrispondenti all’ingresso agli uffici amministrativi e l’ingresso verso gli spogliatoi per gli operai.

I moduli ciechi sono stati realizzati con un sistema di tamponamento a secco che utilizza materiali altamente performanti dal punto di vista energetico.

Il rivestimento esterno di questi moduli è realizzato con una lamiera grecata metallica verniciata color grigio antracite con una grecatura da 28 mm. In ogni modulo sono stati posati 3 fogli di lamiera grecata pretagliata a misura in modo da ridurre al minimo gli sfridi di produzione e permettere ai posatori di ottimizzare i tempi di montaggio.

È stato scelto questo materiale in coerenza con la filosofia originale del concept, per rispondere alle esigenze di flessibilità, modularità e velocità di posa che questo progetto richiedeva. Anche dal punto di vista estetico questa soluzione rispondeva perfettamente al linguaggio concettuale di questo edificio: infatti dona un aspetto “industriale” e “meccanico” ai moduli ciechi ma allo stesso tempo, grazie alla leggera nervatura posata in verticale, garantisce vibrazione e leggerezza alle partizioni.


Client : C.O.M.S. S.p.A.
Location: Esine (BS), Italy
Procedure: direct contracting
Program: offices, warehouse, locker rooms, canteen, archives
Architectural designer and construction manager of the office building: Arch. Nicola
Designer of carpentry structures: MG Engineering
Designer of mechanical and plumbing systems: Eng. Simone Carreri
Electrical systems designer: Eng. Sergio Damiola
Production building structures designer: Eng. Giordano Tignonsini
Production building construction manager: Arch. Dario Gheza, Arch. Diana Gheza and Eng. Giordano Tignonsini
Construction office building: C.O.M.S. S.p.A.
Construction of production building: Magnetti Building S.p.A.
Area: 1,040 m2 (office building) - 5,700 m2 (production building) - 19,000 m2 (project area)
Missions: feasibility project, preliminary design, final design and construction permit, executive design, construction supervision
Timeline: project 2019/2020 - construction site 2020/2021 Suppliers
Windows and doors: SCHÜCO
Roofing: AT GROUP s.a.s
Office partitions: CENTRUFFICIO LORETO s.p.a.
Locker room and bathroom furniture: SINKO s.r.l. unipersonale

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    The design of C.O.M.S. Metal Carpentry's new office building stemmed from a specific request from the client: to conceive a modular, repeatable and flexible all-steel construction system. This system had to be simple to design, quick to produce and extremely versatile depending on the functions it was to fulfill. For these reasons, a 4.25x3.85m module made of 300x300x10mm steel tubulars was designed, which, repeated and assembled n times in the three spatial directions could accommodate any...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work started in 2020
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Client C.O.M.S. S.p.A.
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Office Buildings
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