Houses on legs (piles) in the North and in the Arctic | Stanislav Morgun

Moscow / Russian Federation

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Houses on legs (piles) are common in the northern regions of Russia

The proposed design allows you to significantly improve the appearance at a low cost

Warm colors, imitation wood texture or wooden panels with petrification (similar wood was used by Russian researchers from NArFU to test the properties of wood with petrification) contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of comfort even in the cold

Inexpensive decorative elements attached to the piles completely change the perception of the supports, and thanks to the lighting under the building, visibility is improved and it seems that the building is floating in the air.
A similar design option can be used in the development of the Arctic as well as the reconstruction of old houses

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    Houses on legs (piles) are common in the northern regions of Russia The proposed design allows you to significantly improve the appearance at a low cost Warm colors, imitation wood texture or wooden panels with petrification (similar wood was used by Russian researchers from NArFU to test the properties of wood with petrification) contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of comfort even in the cold Inexpensive decorative elements attached to the piles completely change the perception of...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Multi-family residence
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