The Pad Residential Tower (formerly iPad) | James Law Cybertecture International

Dubai / UAE / 2009

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The Pad Residential Tower (EN - IT) EN - How intelligent are we going to be in the 21st Century? How will technology impact our lives? How can we live more empowered lives and be connected to the world? How can we live in a revolutionarily new automated way, that will bring what is important in our lives into perspective? The Pad Tower is the answer. The Pad Tower is the world’s first Cybertecture Apartment Tower located in Dubai’s Business Bay, and scheduled for completion in 2009. The Pad Tower embodies the vision of Omniyat Properties and our vision of “Living the Future” is brought to life. The Pad Tower, with its architecture and technology designed by James Law of James Law Cybertecture International, is a piece of Cybertecture, a symbiotic mix of technology, architecture, interior design and software. Cybertecture being the new 21st Century approach to designing and building our world where human experiences are enhanced through both space and technology. The Pad Tower is conceived as the world’s most interesting and young living building. It is meant to be where the “in” crowd would live, young people who know how to get the most out of life, and out of the technology they use, and it is also a wonderful life of possibilities where the boundaries of your home are unlimited through the integration of technology. The Pad Tower is a 26-floor building containing over 231 intelligent apartments with more than half looking over the picturesque Business Bay area of Dubai whilst the remaining looking towards the center piece of Dubai, the Burj Dubai Tower. Within The Pad, there will be a compilation of different size apartments, ranging from studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments, to studio lofts, 1 bedroom lofts and 2 bedroom lofts. The Pad Tower has an efficiency of over 87% representing one of the highest in Dubai, and has been sold at rate higher than any equivalent conventional apartment representing one of the highest returns on investment of any newly designed building in Dubai. The Pad Tower is a truly unique proposition, the first Cybertecture of its kind for a totally integrated residential building targeted to be the trendiest and well-known residential building in Dubai as well as the world. It will embody the spirit of technology and optimistically look to the 21st Century as a new lifestyle for the up and coming crowd of The Pad Tower. The Pad Tower is truly the Cybertecture that leads you to “Live the Future”. Cybertecture Technologies Each apartment in The Pad is intelligent and has its own Cybertecture to provide a unique “Living the Future” experience. Everything from communications, entertainment, shopping is covered by the Cybertecture of the apartment. Some of the technologies include: iReality – Your apartment will have virtual reality projection linking it to different locations around the world in real time. iHealth – Technology will be built in your apartment bathroom for you to check your weight, blood pressure and temperature. iAmbience – Your home can respond to different communications without the typical ring tone by the change of colour of lighting for emails, sms and phone calls. iEntertainment – A large collection of music and karaoke as well as video on demand will be available to inhabitants to choose from. iVoice – Voice command will be available to command many of the functions of The Pad. iSecurity – No more need for keys. Inhabitants will have RFID/proximity tags which will automatically lock and unlock doors. iCustomization – You can customize the look of your home, even the wall panels of your apartment in the common corridors. iMessaging – You can broadcast your own message on the outside of your apartment or around the common areas of The Pad. iArt – The Pad has an iArt server which you can subscribe to and update your home with the art of your choice. iToggle – Your home at The Pad will be controlled via a revolutionary iToggle that will make it simple and intuitive to command. iRotation Room – The unique feature of a rotating living and dining room will give a continuous and wonderful view of the Dubai area. iWalls – Mechanical walls that can be automatically opened to allow spatial link between bedroom and living room. iFamily – By plugging up the iFamily device, your Pad will be seamlessly linked by video to your family. What a nice way of staying in touch! iPod Dock – Dock your complimentary iPod into your The Pad home, and the music can be controlled by the home for your entertainment The technologies and functions melt into the home to create a seamless and easy living way so that you enjoy the space, your home and the technology without any alienating feeling – a truly new and young way of living. In the podium of The Pad Tower, the iSpa designed around the theme of digital water, real water and digital projections will create a complex of facilities including: iMedia Jacuzzi – Jacuzzi equipped with water proof touch screens for you to watch movies. iUnderwater Concert – Swimming underwater will no longer be boring, you can play your own choice of music. iDeck Chairs – Using ultrasonic speakers, you can listen to your own music without disturbing others. iGym – Equipped with the latest high tech gym from around the world. iOxygen Bar – For your relaxation and rejuvenation. iSwimming Deck – An amazing overhanging swimming deck that will be suspended over the promenade of Business Bay. On the ground floor of The Pad will be a flourishing niche retail area which will be filled with restaurants and shops, as a vibrant promenade style entertainment strip. IT - Il progetto, ufficialmente presentato il mese scorso a Dubai dalla Omniyat Propoerties in occasione della terza edizione dell’International Property Show, porta la firma dello studio James Law Cybertecture International di Hong Kong, oggi ritenuto il pioniere della “cyber-architecture”, la disciplina volta all’integrazione del mondo architettonico con le nuove tecnologie digitali. La società guidata da James Law si occupa anche della produzione dei software applicativi alle rivoluzionarie cyber architetture. In tal modo è in grado di offrire un servizio globale che va dalla definizione degli spazi alla progettazione dei sistemi di controllo degli stessi. La Cybertecture di James Law sviluppa una visione cibernetica del mondo che conduce il visionario progettista ad immaginare il futuro traendo ispirazione dall’equilibrio tra spazio e tecnologia. Prima torre residenziale al mondo realizzata attraverso la “cybertecture”, l’iPad Tower rappresenta il trionfo dell’auspicato stile di vita “Live the Future” che sembra trovare la migliore espressione in una avveniristica architettura che assume significativamente le sembianze del più famoso lettore di musica digitale al mondo. “La torre iPad – commenta l’autore del progetto - è una porzione di Cybertecture, una simbiotica fusione di tecnologia, architettura, interior design e software….Rappresenta una sorprendente occasione di vita dove i confini della casa sono resi illimitati dall’integrazione della tecnologia”. Inclinato di sei gradi ed appoggiato su un dock proprio come un iPod, il grattacielo sorgerà sull’estensione dell’insenatura di Dubai. All’interno troveranno spazio 231 appartamenti la maggior parte dei quale potrà godere della splendida vista sulla Business Bay di Dubai. Altre residenze si affacceranno invece sulla torre Burj Dubai. Ciascun appartamento sarà dotato di tecnologia cybertecture in grado di offrire sorprendenti vantaggi in tema di comunicazioni, intrattenimento e acquisti. - iReality – sarà possibile la proiezione di una realtà virtuale che collegherà in tempo reale ogni appartamento a luoghi diversi in tutto il mondo, come lo skyline di New York. - iHealth – i bagni saranno provvisti di tecnologie che consentiranno di misurare peso, pressione e temperatura corporea; - iAmbience – l’avviso di una comunicazione dall’esterno non sarà effettuato dal tradizionale suono del telefono, bensì da modalità alternative quale ad esempio un cambiamento del colore dell’illuminazione; - iEnterntainment – i residenti avranno a disposizione un repertorio di musica e video da scegliere quotidianamente; - iVoice – il controllo delle diverse funzioni della iPad avverrà attraverso comandi vocali; - iSecurity – addio alla vecchia chiave: apertura e chiusura delle porte saranno innescate da sistemi di identificazione automatica RFID; - iCustomization – una casa “su misura”: sarà possibile modificare di continuo l’architettura interna di ogni appartamento spostando le pareti mobili dei corridoi; - iMessaging – dall’appartamento sarà possibile inviare messaggi ad altre aree della torre; - iArt – superato anche il bisogno di acquistare l’arte: un “iArt server” consentirà ai residenti di aggiornare l’arredamento artistico scegliendo ogni giorno quadri diversi; - iRotation Room – negli appartamentio con due camere da letto sarà possibile ruotare alcune stanze in modo da godere di una vista totale sull’area di Dubai; - iWalls – pareti meccaniche potranno essere aperte per consentire un open space tra zona notte e zona giorno; - iFamily – un ulteriore escamotage tecnologico consentirà un collegamento video in tempo reale con i propri familiari. All’interno del basamento cui si poggia la torre saranno realizzate una stazione termale ed una club house ad uso esclusivo dei residenti, mentre al pian terreno troveranno spazio negozi, caffè, ristiranti e centri commerciali connessi alla rete iPad per offrire servizi e consegne presso ogni appartamento.
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    The Pad Residential Tower (EN - IT) EN - How intelligent are we going to be in the 21st Century? How will technology impact our lives? How can we live more empowered lives and be connected to the world? How can we live in a revolutionarily new automated way, that will bring what is important in our lives into perspective? The Pad Tower is the answer. The Pad Tower is the world’s first Cybertecture Apartment Tower located in Dubai’s Business Bay, and scheduled for completion in 2009. The Pad...

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