SAAL - BOUÇA | Álvaro Siza Vieira

Porto / Portugal / 2006

32 Love 29,116 Visits Published
Quello di 'Saal-Bouça' è un intervento sviluppato in due fasi progettuali e costruttive (1973/1978 e 2001/2006) intervallate da tre decenni di storia. La stratificazione dei mutamenti socio-economici e culturali che hanno investito il quartiere è leggibile nella sua architettura.

The Bouça project in central Porto was begun in 1973 and became a SAAL operation in 1975. The first construction phase ended in 1978 and work only resumed in 2000. In the second phase the complex was renovated and finally completed in 2006.

The completion of Álvaro Siza’s Bouça Housing project in the centre of Porto allows us to reflect on a number of issues. For those of my generation this project remains a reference not only for housing typology but for the resilience of its architectural approach. (…) On the other hand, over the intervening 30 years we have witnessed the gradual loss of focus on the subject of social housing. With the erosion of leadership and vision on behalf of the public authorities and the increasing role of the commercial sector the social agenda for such projects has been replaced by the priorities of the commercial market. (…)

The context of Bouça challenges the role of architectural composition and innovation, beyond the intelligent and considerate planning both of the apartments and of the complex.
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    Quello di 'Saal-Bouça' è un intervento sviluppato in due fasi progettuali e costruttive (1973/1978 e 2001/2006) intervallate da tre decenni di storia. La stratificazione dei mutamenti socio-economici e culturali che hanno investito il quartiere è leggibile nella sua architettura.The Bouça project in central Porto was begun in 1973 and became a SAAL operation in 1975. The first construction phase ended in 1978 and work only resumed in 2000. In the second phase the complex was renovated and...

    Project details
    • Year 2006
    • Work started in 1977
    • Work finished in 2006
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Social Housing
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