FUSION CORE 2 | T+T Architects
Interior of the IT company office Moscow / Russian Federation / 2022
Concept - in this project, we develop the idea of the office interior further, and begin to draw on this "canvas". Functionality and ease of use of space are the main thing for us, so we have created a kind of "materials designer" and an approach to its assembly, which will allow us to better visually read the purpose of the premises.
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Concept - in this project, we develop the idea of the office interior further, and begin to draw on this "canvas". Functionality and ease of use of space are the main thing for us, so we have created a kind of "materials designer" and an approach to its assembly, which will allow us to better visually read the purpose of the premises.
- Year 2022
- Work finished in 2022
- Status Unrealised proposals
- Type Offices/studios / Interior Design