BD Houses

Sintra | 2022 Sintra / Portugal / 2022

11 Love 985 Visits Published


In a different approach to the typical set of twin dwellings, the proposal presents three isolated houses that favor the connection with the private exterior spaces, in an intention of privacy that allows to enjoy the outdoors comfortably.

The proposals intend to depict the archetype of traditional Portuguese architecture with a contemporary approach in the way the elevations are explored. This approach is notorious in the design of a slab that makes it possible to create a relationship between the scale of the street and the scale of the houses, mitigating the impact on the surroundings.

This gesture allows the houses to rise as a part of the landscape and not as a dissonant element, forming part of a whole.



Numa abordagem diferente ao típico conjunto de moradias geminadas, a proposta apresentada apresenta três moradias isoladas que privilegiam a ligação com os espaços exteriores privados, numa intenção de privacidade que permite usufruir dos espaços confortavelmente.

As propostas pretendem representar o arquétipo da construção portuguesa tradicional com uma abordagem contemporânea no modo como são explorados os alçados. Esta abordagem é notória na projeção de uma laje que permite fazer a relação entre a escala da rua e a escala das moradias, atenuando o impacto na envolvente.

Este gesto permite que as propostas se ergam como parte da paisagem e não como um elemento dissonante, fazendo parte de um todo.

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    BD HOUSES In a different approach to the typical set of twin dwellings, the proposal presents three isolated houses that favor the connection with the private exterior spaces, in an intention of privacy that allows to enjoy the outdoors comfortably. The proposals intend to depict the archetype of traditional Portuguese architecture with a contemporary approach in the way the elevations are explored. This approach is notorious in the design of a slab that makes it possible to create a...

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