50 Hudson Yards | Foster + Partners

New York / United States / 2022

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50 Hudson Yards is a 58-story office development that forms an integral part of the new Hudson Yards district on the western edge of Manhattan. Situated between 10th Avenue and Hudson Boulevard and 33rd and 34th Streets, the building occupies an entire city block, providing almost 3 million square-feet of flexible office space along with retail facilities at street level. With the new No 7 train extension located directly opposite its Hudson Boulevard entrance, the building is set to be the gateway to New York’s newest, most vibrant district.

The 985-foot tower offers fantastic views of the Hudson River and the ‘Vessel’ sculpture – the focus of the central public square – to the west, and the Empire State Building and the rest of Manhattan to the east. It is divided vertically into three sections, with the largest floorplates at the base, stepping back to create two terrace levels on the upper floors. The building’s primary structure has been pushed to the edges to create large-span flexible floorplates, with the expressed structural elements clad in white stone. On the east and west facades, a series of 4-story high ‘glass boxes’ give visual coherence to the fully glazed facades.

Internally, the tower provides high quality, flexible office spaces that are suited to both large companies, as well as smaller organisations, with floor to ceiling glazing and generous ceiling heights. The building also features a pair of ‘sky lobbies’ – dedicated amenity floors for the upper office levels that will be served by double-deck express elevators. Designed to achieve a LEED Gold rating, the building seeks to maintain the high standards of sustainability set throughout the Hudson Yards development.
Collaborating Architect: Adamson Associates Architects
Structural Engineer: WSP


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    50 Hudson Yards is a 58-story office development that forms an integral part of the new Hudson Yards district on the western edge of Manhattan. Situated between 10th Avenue and Hudson Boulevard and 33rd and 34th Streets, the building occupies an entire city block, providing almost 3 million square-feet of flexible office space along with retail facilities at street level. With the new No 7 train extension located directly opposite its Hudson Boulevard entrance, the building is set to be the...

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