Casa SemeRaro | Claudio Carrieri

Martina Franca / Italy / 2022

39 Love 3,188 Visits Published


[ EN ]

The building located in the historic center, is spread over two floors and is characterized by traditional cross vaults and masonry partitions made of local stone. The house has undergone a thorough renovation that has brought back into view the ancient stone vaults and redesigned the interior layout with the addition of two bathrooms, one patronal and one service.

On the first floor, an equipped wall ideally reworks the composition and arrangement of the stones of the ancient walls, concealing the bathroom behind and providing a scenic backdrop to the living room.

The dark-toned kitchen overlooks the large central space where a new vertical connection to the upper floor has been inserted. This as well as mere staircase performs the function of a bench for the dining room and the visual centerpiece of the entire room. With its compact and full forms, it offers a base for the iron staircase with slender lines in sharp contrast to the strong materiality of the entire space.

On the second floor, the bathroom volume ideally divides the servant spaces composed of a walk-in closet and an ante-bathroom, lending itself as a headboard for the bed. The sharp, candid lines of the volume accentuate the material qualities of the stone ceiling, which gives the room a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

[ IT ]

Lo stabile situato in pieno centro storico, si sviluppa su due piani ed è caratterizzato dalle tradizionali volte a crociera e da setti in muratura in pietra locale. L'abitazione ha subito una profonda ristrutturazione che ha riportato in vista le antiche volte in pietra e ridisegnato il layout interno con l'aggiunta di due servizi igienici, uno patronale ed uno di servizio.

Al piano primo una parete attrezzata rielabora idealmente la composizione e la disposizione delle pietre degli antichi setti murari nascondendo il bagno retrostante e fornendo una quinta scenica al soggiorno.

La cucina dai toni scuri affaccia sull'ampio spazio centrale dove è stata inserita una nuova connessione verticale con il piano superiore. Questa oltre che mera scala svolge la funzione di panca per la sala pranzo e di fulcro visivo dell'intero ambiente. Dalle forme compatte e piene offre una base di appoggio alla scala in ferro dalle linee sottili in netto contrasto con la forte matericità dell'intero spazio.

Al secondo piano il volume del bagno divide idealmente gli spazi serventi composti da una cabina armadio ed un antibagno, prestandosi come testiera del letto. Le linee nette e candide del volume accentuano le qualità materiche del soffitto in pietra che dona all'ambiente un'atmosfera calda e accogliente.

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      [ EN ] The building located in the historic center, is spread over two floors and is characterized by traditional cross vaults and masonry partitions made of local stone. The house has undergone a thorough renovation that has brought back into view the ancient stone vaults and redesigned the interior layout with the addition of two bathrooms, one patronal and one service. On the first floor, an equipped wall ideally reworks the composition and arrangement of the stones of the...

    Project details
    • Year 2022
    • Work started in 2021
    • Work finished in 2022
    • Main structure Masonry
    • Cost 40.000
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Refurbishment of apartments / Building Recovery and Renewal
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