Office P8 | marasovic arhitekti

Koper / Slovenia / 2020

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The office P8 is part of a 5 story building that once accomodated just one company. After the company bankruptcy it was divided in smaller offices and sold. The floorplan of the whole story was an open space with no walls, the offices were divided just with office cabinets. All the installations were hidden in the floors or in the lowered ceiling. The office P8 is on the extreeme edge of the building, has windows on three sides and the view of the old city center and the sea. It was a perfect space for an architecture studio - our studio.

We removed the lowered ceiling, built the walls between the office P8 and other offices and replaced the old windows with new ones. We decided to leave the old parquet and the visible concrete ceiling as a reminder of a bygone era of the building and renovate all the other elements in between the ceiling and the floors. All the new installations are now visible but nicely stored in the ceiling channels. The whole space is divided into two offices, a conference room and an entry space with a tea kitchen and print area. The offices are divided with glass walls, while the entry area and the conference room are separated with a shelf unit.

The black color of all the furniture is an opposite to all the light coming from the windows. We chose a core-black MDF which allowed us to decorate it with incised patterns, cable holes and grilles for AC units. All the lights are incorporated into the ceiling channels, except for  the ones above the tables. The two linear lights above the office desks, with dirrect and indirrect illumination are carefully chosen for intense work with monitors, while others are mostly ambiental and decorative. The crucial addition are all the plants, the shades, computers and books that round up the office feeling to the space

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    The office P8 is part of a 5 story building that once accomodated just one company. After the company bankruptcy it was divided in smaller offices and sold. The floorplan of the whole story was an open space with no walls, the offices were divided just with office cabinets. All the installations were hidden in the floors or in the lowered ceiling. The office P8 is on the extreeme edge of the building, has windows on three sides and the view of the old city center and the sea. It was a perfect...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Work started in 2019
    • Work finished in 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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