Dar Al-Uloum Public Library Competition | Gorgona Architecture & Design
Sakakah / Saudi Arabia / 2018
An international open competition for the redevelopment of the existing Dar Al-Uloum Public Library and surrounding campus located in Sakaka, Al Jouf Region. The call for a redevelopment stems from a desire to reinvigorate new life into the library in order to make the Centre once again a meaningful public place to promote learning and community engagement.
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An international open competition for the redevelopment of the existing Dar Al-Uloum Public Library and surrounding campus located in Sakaka, Al Jouf Region. The call for a redevelopment stems from a desire to reinvigorate new life into the library in order to make the Centre once again a meaningful public place to promote learning and community engagement.
- Year 2018
- Status Competition works
- Type multi-purpose civic centres / Libraries