MGS Office | COVO Interiores

Viseu / Portugal / 2021

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Designed by COVO Interiores, the MGS Group offices are located on the ground floor of a residential building in one of the main arteries of the city of Viseu - Portugal.

The offices were designed to join various companies in an innovative co-working space, combining synergies from different businesses, including real estate. 

The starting point for the concept explored in the project was the inclusion of subtle architectural elements - hence, vaults and arches, roofs and facades were used creatively. A great example is the work desk located in the central co-working space, which is capable of housing several different workgroups, or the ceiling of the corridor leading to the meeting rooms, WCs or the CEO office. 
The tranquillity and simplicity of the predominantly white colour, enhanced by the contrast of the dark work desks, let through the garden's green surrounding the building, thus providing a sense of well-being.


Team - José Morgado, Mário Morgado 

Year – 2021

Location –Viseu – PORTUGAL

Photo credits - José Campos 



Escritórios MGS

Projetado pelo gabinete local COVO Interiores, os escritórios MGS Group de 130m2 estão situados no piso 0 de um prédio habitacional, numa das principais artérias da cidade de Viseu - Portugal.
Os escritórios foram projetados para acolher varias empresas num conceito inovador coworking, juntando sinergias de diferentes empresas dedicadas á fileira Casa, como é o exemplo de uma imobiliária.
E este é o ponto de partida para o conceito explorado no projeto, incluir de uma forma subtil elementos arquitetónicos. Abobadas e arcadas, telhados e fachadas são usados de uma forma estilizada e criativa. Exemplo disso é a secretaria de trabalho no espaço central coworking capaz de albergar varias empresas distintas, ou no teto do corredor de acesso a sala de reuniões, WCs ou gabinete CEO, piso -1
A tranquilidade e a simplicidade da cor branco predominante, pautado pelo contraste das zonas de trabalho a cor preto, deixam transparecer e invadir o verde do jardim exterior circundante ao edifício, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar de quem aqui trabalha.

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    Designed by COVO Interiores, the MGS Group offices are located on the ground floor of a residential building in one of the main arteries of the city of Viseu - Portugal. The offices were designed to join various companies in an innovative co-working space, combining synergies from different businesses, including real estate.  The starting point for the concept explored in the project was the inclusion of subtle architectural elements - hence, vaults and arches, roofs and facades were...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Interior Design
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