Maggie’s Gartnavel | OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture

Stirling Prize 2012 - Shortlist Glasgow / United Kingdom / 2011

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The Pritzker Prize winning architect, Rem Koolhaas has designed a single-level building in the form of a ring of interlocking rooms surrounding an internal landscaped courtyard. Seemingly haphazardly arranged, the building is actually a carefully considered composition of spaces responding to the needs of a Maggie's Centre. As opposed to a series of isolated rooms, the building is designed as a sequence of interconnected L-shaped figures in plan that create clearly distinguished areas – an arrangement that minimises the need for corridors and hallways and allows the rooms to flow from one to another. The plan has been organised for the spaces to feel casual, almost carefree, allowing one to feel at ease and at home; part of an empathetic community of people. Landscape Architect Lily Jencks, daughter of Maggie’s Founders, Maggie Keswick Jencks and Charles Jencks, will design the internal courtyard plantings and the wooded glades areas surrounding the Centre.
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    The Pritzker Prize winning architect, Rem Koolhaas has designed a single-level building in the form of a ring of interlocking rooms surrounding an internal landscaped courtyard. Seemingly haphazardly arranged, the building is actually a carefully considered composition of spaces responding to the needs of a Maggie's Centre. As opposed to a series of isolated rooms, the building is designed as a sequence of interconnected L-shaped figures in plan that create clearly distinguished areas – an...

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