Apartment Sombrerería | BABELStudio

Bilbao / Spain / 2021

59 Love 7,279 Visits Published

The interior renovation project for Sombrerería is located in one of the most emblematic streets of the Old Quarter of Bilbao. Due to its corner position, the interiors have the advantage of having large window openings that provide abundant light and views of the neighbourhood streets.

The main idea of the project has been to enhance the amplitude of the spaces through the union of the various original rooms of the apartment. In this way, it is intended to create new perspectives between the different uses that, although they are delimited by light closures, always allow the visual connection between them.

The design of the wood and glass closure that separates the kitchen from the living room is designed following this concept. This piece made of oak plywood profiles and glass surfaces is divided into three different sections. The central bay serves as a window between living room and kitchen and storage at the same time. The sides, which serve as a passage to the kitchen, integrate the original French doors of the House.

The elements that have been used in the reform of the house, combine original pieces of the property with new materials which due to their simple and neutral lines, enhance the character of the existing old elements.


El proyecto de reforma interior de Sombrerería se sitúa en una de las calles más emblemáticas del Casco Viejo de Bilbao. Debido a su posición en esquina, los interiores cuentan con la ventaja de tener grandes huecos de ventanas y miradores que le proporcionan abundante luz y vistas sobre las calles del barrio.

La idea principal del proyecto ha sido la de potenciar la amplitud de los espacios a través de la unión de las diversas estancias originales de la casa. De esta manera, se pretende crear nuevas perspectivas entre los distintos usos que, aunque se encuentren delimitados por cierres ligeros, permiten siempre la conexión visual entre ellos.

De esta manera se diseña el cierre de madera y vidrio que separa la cocina del salón comedor. Esta pieza realizada en perfilería de contrachapado marino y vidrio se divide en tres tramos diversos. El vano central sirve de ventana entre salón y cocina y almacenaje al mismo tiempo. Los laterales, los que sirven de paso a la cocina, integran las puertas balconeras originales de la Vivienda.

Los elementos que se han usado en la reforma de la casa combinan piezas originales del inmueble con nuevos materiales de líneas sencillas y neutras poniendo en valor el carácter de los elementos antiguos existentes.

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    The interior renovation project for Sombrerería is located in one of the most emblematic streets of the Old Quarter of Bilbao. Due to its corner position, the interiors have the advantage of having large window openings that provide abundant light and views of the neighbourhood streets. The main idea of the project has been to enhance the amplitude of the spaces through the union of the various original rooms of the apartment. In this way, it is intended to create new perspectives between the...

    Project details
    • Year 2021
    • Work finished in 2021
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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