Boavista apartment | Cirurgias Urbanas II - Architecture

Porto / Portugal / 2021

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The Boavista Apartment, housed in a building from the 70s / 80s was compartmentalized in different divisions of various functions. The intervention sought to energize the interior, making the most of the apartment area and creating fluid connections between spaces.
After the interior walls were demolished, the open space was marked by a “black box” that hides the sanitary facilities and divides the apartment in two sections: the social area on one side, and bedroom on the other.

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    The Boavista Apartment, housed in a building from the 70s / 80s was compartmentalized in different divisions of various functions. The intervention sought to energize the interior, making the most of the apartment area and creating fluid connections between spaces.After the interior walls were demolished, the open space was marked by a “black box” that hides the sanitary facilities and divides the apartment in two sections: the social area on one side, and bedroom on the other.

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