Legnano / Italy / 2020

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A young couple finally decides to finish their living room that has been waiting for it 4 years.
The needs are to integrate the particular red sliding door of the kitchen into the interior, to have more furnishing accessories to use as containers and to have a large and original bookcase.
Since red was the owner's favorite color, it was decided to make it the protagonist of the living room with some decorative elements. For the furniture, oak wood was used for the floor, the classic and timeless white lacquered wood and the black lacquered wood were used as background for the open elements. To take advantage of all three sides, we decided to place a versatile sofa, with removable and directional backrests, in the center of the room. The black hexagonal coffee table and a simple white pouf complete the setting.

Una giovane coppia decide finalmente di terminare il proprio soggiorno rimasto incompiuto per circa 4 anni.
Le esigenze sono quelle di riuscire ad integrare la particolare porta scorrevole rossa della cucina, di avere più complementi d’arredo da utilizzare come contenitori e di possedere una capiente e originale libreria.
Visto che il rosso era il colore preferito della proprietaria si è deciso di renderlo il protagonista del soggiorno con alcuni elementi decorativi. Per i mobili sono stati utilizzati il legno di rovere uguale al pavimento, il classico e intramontabile legno bianco laccato ed il legno laccato nero come fondo agli elementi a giorno. Per usufruire di tutti e tre i lati abbiamo deciso di collocare un divano versatile, con schienali removibili e direzionabili, al centro della stanza. Il tavolino esagonale nero e un semplice pouf bianco completano l’ambiente.

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    A young couple finally decides to finish their living room that has been waiting for it 4 years.The needs are to integrate the particular red sliding door of the kitchen into the interior, to have more furnishing accessories to use as containers and to have a large and original bookcase.Since red was the owner's favorite color, it was decided to make it the protagonist of the living room with some decorative elements. For the furniture, oak wood was used for the floor, the classic and timeless...

    Project details
    • Year 2020
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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