Aquaticum Waterpark | BORD Studio
Debrecen / Hungary / 2020
Aquaticum Waterpark has recently reopened its gates to the public. The complex, which is the latest characteristic building of the city park, was designed by BORD Architectural Studio. Now it is ready to provide an incomparable experience to its visitors with its unique atmosphere.
‘It is not unusual in the picturesque landscapes of forests that a tiny lake would hide within the trees. The erratic lakeside is populated by versatile flora: an oasis within the woods. The spa emerges like an object - a box. We envisaged the horizontal and vertical water surfaces folded in this box. The folded vertical water surfaces make the impression of an endless horizon of water. A hidden, oasis locked up in a box deep within the woods. The result is a sculpture-like building that provides due space for the wood and is an essence of the forest lake and its surrounding flora. A special atmosphere is provided by the designed excess dimensions.’ – BORD Architectural Studio.
General Design: BORD Architectural Studio
Head Architect: Peter Bordás
Coordinating Architect: Dalma Kiss
Architect Team: Zsolt Belanyi, Robert Gulyas, Noemi Gyarfas, Dorottya Hindy, Anna Illes, Artur Lente, Linda Lente-Papp, Tamas Mezey, Balazs Moser, Gyorgyi Puspoki, Viola Tóth, Istvan Ulmann, Reka Zsolyomi, Kata Zih
Garden and Landscape Architecture: Gardenworks - Judit Doma-Tarcsányi, Andrea Waldmann, Beatrix Bocs
Mechanical Engineering: BORD Architectural Studio - Zoltán Hollokovi
Structural Engineering: Hydrastat Mernoki Iroda - Zsigmond Dezso
Visual Design: Homologue - Zoltán Olbey
Mock-up: Limes Model - Geza Csizmazia
Glass Design: Zsofia Szonyegi textile designer, artist
Graphic Design of Glass Surfaces: Rotblau Labor
Construction: Hunep Ltd.
Debrecen is not only the second most populated city in Hungary but it is also the cultural and scientific centre of the region. As part of the ambitious long-term development plan of the municipality, the plan was to renew the environmentally protected city park and to turn into a unique recreational area, a must-see in Central Europe. Some of the already completed projects of the development were: the Nagyerdő Stadium, the Békás-Lake, the Open-Air Theatre of Nagyerdő, the Water Tower of Nagyerdő and the Ködszínház (Fog-theatre). One of the last items of the development plan was the Aquaticum Waterpark.
The location, Nagyerdő, protected by Natura2000 EU natural reserve program, is a highly favoured recreation area with the citizens of Debrecen.
The first public bath of the city was built in 1826 in classicist style. In 1932 during drilling for oil some spa water was found incidentally which was then led through pipes into the Nagyerdő forest thus the constructions of a new spa began.
In the summer of 2015 Aquaticum Waterpark Debrecen issued an architectural design competition for the reconstruction of the spa. The city leaders wished to have a popular spa that is generally suitable and available for all age groups. Apart from this they also emphasised the importance of the natural surroundings, the spa’s connection to Debrecen and it being the iconic symbol of the city despite its hiding in the shades of the grove. The design of BORD Architectural Studio won 1st prize of the competition.
The architectural concept focuses on the life-giving aspect of water and the breathtaking forest environment. Water and flora appear on both horizontal and vertical surfaces of the spa: the water in the pools, the lawn, the water curtains, the waterfalls, the walls covered by plants. These surfaces create unusual artistic composition of spaces which introduce the visitors into this water world in a truly unique way.
The spa is on the same location as its predecessor used to be and it also connects to the already existing building of Aquaticum too. Due to the protected forest area the plotting mainly followed the original planting. The trees envelope the lawn of the waterpark area where the novel spa experience elements appear like pieces of a mosaic.
A rectangular shape made of water is in the centre that is permeated by green surfaces inspired by the surrounding forest. The sculpture-like, spectacular main unit places water and the forest environment into a completely new dimension providing a wonderful selection of the natural beauties of Nagyerdő to the audience.
The unusual architectural concept drew attention straight from the planning phase. It appeared in a number of international magazines and was also displayed in DECODE 2019 – The Space for ARTchitecture, an exhibition organised annually by BORD.
The main entrance of the Spa is from the recently completed Nagyerdő promenade. The long, single storey entrance, which is situated on the property line, connects the new pedestrian pathway and the waterpark like a bridge. The entrance building includes the changing rooms, the restrooms, the shops and a colourful food court as well. The restaurants, featuring a diverse selection of international cuisine, are going to be accessible from the waterpark and the pathway as well. The long, flat volume of the building settles in the landscape beautifully looking at it from the direction of the spa. On its top there is a green roof, the curvy shape of which resembles a wave.
Aquaticum Waterpark has recently reopened its gates to the public. The complex, which is the latest characteristic building of the city park, was designed by BORD Architectural Studio. Now it is ready to provide an incomparable experience to its visitors with its unique atmosphere. ‘It is not unusual in the picturesque landscapes of forests that a tiny lake would hide within the trees. The erratic lakeside is populated by versatile flora: an oasis within the woods. The spa emerges like...
- Year 2020
- Work finished in 2020
- Client Debreceni Gyogyfürdő Ltd.
- Cost 27 400 000 EURO
- Status Completed works