Guest House Pavilion 1401 | Nordest Arquitectura

Begur / Spain / 2016

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The assignment consisted in the construction of a guest pavilion as an extension of the main house.

Our first thought was to create a shape clear and simple, a cuboid placed in the middle of the forest, changing as less as possible the surrounding characteristics, as if it had always been there.

The pavilion is defined by an U materialized in corten steel with a slat facade that creates a retreat inside, a place to be and contemplate.

The entrance is in the ground floor. It’s  like a kind scultural void inside the ground, you enter on it, then you upstair throught it to the pavilion.

The inside is understood as one space: a living- bedroom space and in one corner there’s the bathroom.

The east, south and west façade are totally glazed, with a solar protection made of corten steel  sliding lattice. The north façade has more controlled openings that illuminate the bathroom and the entrance staircase.


Ingeniería: BG Blázquez Guanter slp

Colaboradores: Jordi vilà Salvà aparejador

Builder: Construccions Josep Alsina

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    The assignment consisted in the construction of a guest pavilion as an extension of the main house. Our first thought was to create a shape clear and simple, a cuboid placed in the middle of the forest, changing as less as possible the surrounding characteristics, as if it had always been there. The pavilion is defined by an U materialized in corten steel with a slat facade that creates a retreat inside, a place to be and contemplate. The entrance is in the ground floor. It’s ...

    Project details
    • Year 2016
    • Work finished in 2016
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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