STUDIO IN PARIS / 30m² | Katarina Mijic

A cosy home for a young photographer Paris / France / 2015

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Welcome to an oak wood home of a young Parisian photographer. It tends to link the outside flat rooftop lawn and the appartment with its green furniture elements.

The studio is optimized to accommodate a fully equipped bathroom and kitchen, a semi-separate room, a dining space, and a lounge area in only 30m².

All furniture is made by Domus Arhitekti in Serbia.

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    Welcome to an oak wood home of a young Parisian photographer. It tends to link the outside flat rooftop lawn and the appartment with its green furniture elements. The studio is optimized to accommodate a fully equipped bathroom and kitchen, a semi-separate room, a dining space, and a lounge area in only 30m². All furniture is made by Domus Arhitekti in Serbia.

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