Karasuni plus | Alexandr Andrusskiy

Apartment complex Krasnodar / Russian Federation / 2019

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The main façade is interpreted as a composition of individual buildings standing on a single base. This method allows to reduce the visual length of the facade and make it more extensive to the person. White balcony pulls give a feeling of lightness to the lower part of the building, which is typical for southern architecture.

The air-conditioning niches are designed as decorative balconies hidden in the "folds" of the facade. Fibre cement panels in white, emerald grey and grey. The ground floor, lined with bricks, accentuates the entrance groups and gives the building a sense of cosiness.

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    The main façade is interpreted as a composition of individual buildings standing on a single base. This method allows to reduce the visual length of the facade and make it more extensive to the person. White balcony pulls give a feeling of lightness to the lower part of the building, which is typical for southern architecture. The air-conditioning niches are designed as decorative balconies hidden in the "folds" of the facade. Fibre cement panels in white, emerald grey and grey. The...

    Project details
    • Year 2019
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-family residence
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