Knut Hamsun Center | Steven Holl Architects

Historical museum for writer Knut Hamsun Hamarøy / Norway / 2009

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ENG This center dedicated to Hamsun is located above the Arctic Circle near village of Presteid of Hamarøy and the farm where the writer grew up. The museum includes exhibition areas, a library and reading room, a cafe and an auditorium. The concept for the museum is "building as a body," creating a battleground of invisible forces. The stained black wood exterior skin is characteristic of the great wooden stave Norse churches. The spine of the building body is the central elevator, providing handicapped and freight access to all parts of the building. At the roof garden the long grass reflects the traditional Norwegian sod roofs in a different way. Strange, surprising and phenomenal experiences in space perspective and light will provide an inspiring frame for the exhibitions. ITA L’edificio sorgerà nei pressi di Presteid - comune di Hamarøy - nell’area che un tempo accolse la tenuta che ospitò a lungo Hamsun. Il nuovo centro accoglierà aree espositive, una biblioteca, una sala lettura, un caffé ed un auditorium. La struttura è concepita come “compressione archetipa dello spirito nello spazio e nella luce”. “Edificio come corpo: terreno di battaglia di forze invisibili” il principio che ha ispirato il progetto del museo. Sul tetto un giardino composto da lunghi fili di erba intende evocare i tradizionali tetti norvegesi ricoperti da tappeti erbosi, tuttavia rivisti in chiave moderna. Mentre la facciata esterna in legno scuro ricorda le grandi doghe orizzontali di legno tipiche delle chiese norvegesi. Le ruvide pareti interne in calcestruzzo bianco sono caratterizzate da raggi diagonali di luce la cui proiezione cambia nel corso dei diversi periodi dell’anno. Il Knut Hamsun Center ha vinto nel 1996 il Progressive Archietcture Award. Il plastico del progetto è stato acquistato dal Museo di Arte Moderna.
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    ENG This center dedicated to Hamsun is located above the Arctic Circle near village of Presteid of Hamarøy and the farm where the writer grew up. The museum includes exhibition areas, a library and reading room, a cafe and an auditorium. The concept for the museum is "building as a body," creating a battleground of invisible forces. The stained black wood exterior skin is characteristic of the great wooden stave Norse churches. The spine of the building body is the central elevator, providing...

    Project details
    • Year 2009
    • Work started in 2008
    • Work finished in 2009
    • Client Nordland Fylkeskommune (County)
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Multi-purpose Cultural Centres / Museums / Libraries
    • Website
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