Private home / bedroom

San Antonio / United States / 2018

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Natural wood floors in bedrooms - Best recuperation & relaxation with wood

Sleep provides recuperation and rest. Natural wood can contribute to this, as a study by the Johaneum Research proves.

The Swiss Stone Pine was the focus of scientific investigations in sleep and relaxation rooms. The long-term study confirmed the significant influence of furnishing materials on physical and mental health. During sleep, a significantly better quality of sleep was shown in a Swiss Pine wood bed compared to a wooden decor bed. A better night’s rest goes hand in hand with a reduced heart rate and increased body energy during the course of the day.

Health through wood floors - The average "savings" in the Swiss Pine wood bed amounted to 3,500 heart beats per day, which corresponds to about an hour of heart work.

A natural wood floor is a visually attractive and easy way to include a large area of healthy wood in the bedroom. The room climate is markedly improved by the porous surface and regular care with soapy water.

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    Natural wood floors in bedrooms - Best recuperation & relaxation with wood Sleep provides recuperation and rest. Natural wood can contribute to this, as a study by the Johaneum Research proves. The Swiss Stone Pine was the focus of scientific investigations in sleep and relaxation rooms. The long-term study confirmed the significant influence of furnishing materials on physical and mental health. During sleep, a significantly better quality of sleep was shown in a Swiss Pine wood bed...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments
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