
Proposal for the landscape design of Gothenburg’s new area Karlastaden Gothenburg / Sweden / 2018

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Karlastaden is about to be a new mixed-use urban area on Hisingen in Gothenborg, Sweden. The 245 metres tall skyscraper Karlatornet will act as landmark for the area, surrounded by new housing, office space, public service, culture and commerce. Sweco Architects participated in the competition for the landscape design of future Karlastaden.

In the proposal, the height of the skyscraper is illustrated in the pavement of the main street; a 245 metres long ruler that transforms the verticality of Karlatornet into horizontal measurements that are easier to comprehend and relate to. Stripes of granite and brass demonstrate each metre along the street. Further, the ruler emphasises the diagonal direction between the river, Göta Älv, in the south and the mountain, Ramberget, in the north. This diagonal can be further highlighted by a viewpoint on top of Ramberget, overlooking Karlastaden with the river and central Gothenburg as backdrop. In contrast to the strict ruler, a more organic, playful and intimate street pattern expands from the main street, which allows for varied public spaces, squares and streets.

Another key conceptual idea lies in the materiality through the use of local granite from Bohuslän. The stone landscape is inspired by the characteristic archipelago of Bohuslän with rocks, cracks, blocks, shelves and various space and islands of flourishing greenery where conditions are prosperous. A mosaic of granite slabs in various tints of grey create a dynamic landscape fabric. Variations are made by removing, lowering or rising the granite slabs to form places to sit, flowerbeds and differences in height.

The proposal also contains public squares that are carefully placed according to sun and wind conditions as well as an expected flow of people. In the south lies a square that shapes the entrance to Karlastaden and invites its visitors to begin the promenade along the ruler or the narrower streets. The previous industrial area is hence transformed and refined as tool to integrate the peninsula of Hisingen with central Gothenburg across the river.


Principal landscape architect: Henrik Fogelklou
Team: Kaisa Rajamäe, Per Göran ‘PeGe’ Hillinge, Margareta Diedrichs, Malin Mirsch
Sculptor: Pål Svensson

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    Karlastaden is about to be a new mixed-use urban area on Hisingen in Gothenborg, Sweden. The 245 metres tall skyscraper Karlatornet will act as landmark for the area, surrounded by new housing, office space, public service, culture and commerce. Sweco Architects participated in the competition for the landscape design of future Karlastaden. In the proposal, the height of the skyscraper is illustrated in the pavement of the main street; a 245 metres long ruler that transforms the verticality of...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Client Karlastaden Utveckling AB
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Urban development plans / Landscape/territorial planning / Lighting Design / Urban Renewal / Markets / Furniture design
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