The project concerns the transformation of a portion of a former disused railway area into a cycle (and pedestrian) path inserted in the Pèlagos cycle path of the extreme western part of Liguria.
The project, in redesigning the public space, pursues the recovery and enhancement of the elements of the railway storage still present in the site: the tracks, the public weighbridge, the locomotive roundabout, the signals and poles of public lighting, the piezometric tower which becomes accessible and an ideal place to contemplate the landscape of the oasis of the Torrente Nervia and of the mountains of the Valle Nervia which can be perceived from the top of the tower.
L’intervento riguarda la trasformazione di una porzione di ex area ferroviaria dismessa in percorso ciclabile (e pedonale) inserito nella ciclovia Pèlagos dell’estremo ponente ligure.
Il progetto, nel ridisegnare lo spazio pubblico, persegue il recupero e la valorizzazione degli elementi della memoria ferroviaria ancora presenti nel luogo: i binari, la pesa pubblica, la rotatoria delle locomotive, i segnali e pali dell’illuminazione pubblica, la torre piezometrica che diventa accessibile e posto ideale dove contemplare il paesaggio dell’oasi del Torrente Nervia e dei monti della Valle Nervia che si percepiscono dalla sommità della torre.
Principal Architect
Gabriele Moncalvo
Structural Consultant
Eugenio Evaso
Structural Consultant
Andrea Bosio
The project concerns the transformation of a portion of a former disused railway area into a cycle (and pedestrian) path inserted in the Pèlagos cycle path of the extreme western part of Liguria. The project, in redesigning the public space, pursues the recovery and enhancement of the elements of the railway storage still present in the site: the tracks, the public weighbridge, the locomotive roundabout, the signals and poles of public lighting, the piezometric tower which becomes...
- Year 2018
- Work started in 2016
- Work finished in 2018
- Main structure Steel
- Client Comune di Ventimiglia
- Contractor Negro F.lli Costruzioni Generali
- Cost 927000
- Status Completed works
- Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Adaptive reuse of industrial sites / Industrial facilities / Archaeological Areas / Leisure Centres / Urban Renewal / River and coastal redevelopment / Bridges and Walkways / Cycle Paths / Recovery/Restoration of Historic Buildings / Restoration of Works of Art / Structural Consolidation / Recovery of industrial buildings / Building Recovery and Renewal