ZM 4764 | Estudio Arqtipo

Housing Buenos Aires / 2016

45 Love 15,132 Visits Published

ZM 4764 is a housing building with eight housing units, located in the neighborhood of Villa Pueyrredón, is located in a typical lot, with the limitations of the R2B2 zoning, of a low residential fabric, in a lot of 8.66x24m, which has the possibility of building the entire property.
The building tries to take the neighborhood scale, generating a series of staggered volumes, and reinterpreting the traditional fabric, pooling patios with the boundaries, resuming the project's reconstruction investigations of volumes and permeability.

Project: Arqtipo (Arq Diego Aceto - Arq Dari Litvinoff)
Location: Zamudio 4764, C1419EFZ CABA, Argentina
Architect in charge: Arq Paola Castelnuovo
Colaborators: Arq. Lucas S. Gorroño, Cecilia Gimenez, Germán Cappiello, Lorena M. García, Georgina De Natale.
Area: 499.0 m2
Year project: 2015
Ph. Federico Kulekdjian -

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    ZM 4764 is a housing building with eight housing units, located in the neighborhood of Villa Pueyrredón, is located in a typical lot, with the limitations of the R2B2 zoning, of a low residential fabric, in a lot of 8.66x24m, which has the possibility of building the entire property.The building tries to take the neighborhood scale, generating a series of staggered volumes, and reinterpreting the traditional fabric, pooling patios with the boundaries, resuming the project's...

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