House in Pinar de Antequera | Henka Arquitectos

craftsmanship & architecture , Valladolid Valladolid / Spain / 2018

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Two solid volumes embrace and give privacy to a luminous space configured as a versatile living room opened to the garden and the sky. It serves as an external passage through the house and reminds the presence of a pine forest with its prefabricated structure of cross laminated wood.

A key goal for the construction design was to achieve a strong relation between the selected materials and its raw apparent use. Bricks, wood and concrete qualify each space and withstand in a natural way the continental weather and its strong temperature variations in the same day.


La vivienda se materializa con dos volúmenes masivos de uso flexible que liberan un íntimo espacio intersticial para, una vez acristalado y cubierto a dos aguas con una estructura prefabricada, dar cabida a una estancia polivalente de generosa luminosidad que hará de puente visual entre el interior y las distintas zonas verdes.

Los materiales se trabajan al natural transmitiendo solidez y una grata experiencia táctil: suelos continuos de microcemento que unifican la intervención, maderas laminadas que aportan calidez y ligereza en contraste con el hormigón visto o los ladrillos con cuerpo de tosco y alma de caravista que desvelan con sutileza sus texturas mientras dotan al conjunto de una gran inercia térmica.

Las instalaciones se diseñan con lógica creando una envolvente aislante continua alojada en cámaras ventiladas, que junto con el recuperador de calor, los sistemas radiantes a baja temperatura, los triples acristalamientos y los sombreamientos naturales estacionales nos permiten obtener la máxima calificación energética.


typology: House, Private
status: Direct commission, Built
location: Pinar de Antequera, Valladolid, Spain
function: Residential, 175 m2
office: Henka Arquitectos
architecture project, construction management, equipment, furniture: Yonatham González Varo & Monique Phou, architects
photography: Henka Arquitectos

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    Two solid volumes embrace and give privacy to a luminous space configured as a versatile living room opened to the garden and the sky. It serves as an external passage through the house and reminds the presence of a pine forest with its prefabricated structure of cross laminated wood. A key goal for the construction design was to achieve a strong relation between the selected materials and its raw apparent use. Bricks, wood and concrete qualify each space and withstand in a natural way the...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Client Private
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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