ART DISTRICT_Miguel Bombarda | Filipe de Souza

Urban Intervention Porto / Portugal

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Rua Miguel Bombarda is known as the "Art District", "street of the galleries" or "street of the arts", and owes its name to the dynamism impressed by the owners of the galleries. It is one of the cultural arteries of the city, bringing together dozens of art galleries that attract art lovers, investors, artists, followers of alternative ways of life and many curious people.
It is an aggregating and incentive place for creativity and the so-called urban arts, as evidenced in the urban landscape by graffiti murals and interventions in pieces of urban furniture

The objective was to reinforce a better way of life for the elderly and bet on the art trade, and it is a natural expectation that the Rua de Miguel Bombarda will have a similar reputation to that of known congenial streets in several cities in the world.
For this, it is visualized an enlargement of the walks in both sides, creating greater comfort and safety to pedestrians, especially to the elderly. In this way, it is sought to stimulate a greater circulation by the street, making inviting throughout its length. There is no intention, however, of turning the entire road into a pedestrian zone, depending on the importance of the circulation and access of emergency vehicles and services.
The intervention must be to reformulate existing infrastructures, such as public lighting and badly located signs. The covering of the existing floor in Excerpt 4 can be applied along the whole street, unifying and valuing the distinct designs of a series of faces by the artist Ângelo de Sousa. The aim is to reduce the morphological rupture found in the road, which should be associated with the creation of a visual framework to strengthen its identity and promote greater attraction for Rua de Miguel Bombarda.
Finally, it should be stressed that, although the need to improve the distinctiveness of the street is evident, it is even more imperative to preserve diversified local commerce in order to maintain dynamism and accessibility for residents, especially older ones. Thus, from the point of view of uses and occupations, extreme specialization of the area should be avoided, resulting in a substitution of these trades for other galleries or related activities.

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    Rua Miguel Bombarda is known as the "Art District", "street of the galleries" or "street of the arts", and owes its name to the dynamism impressed by the owners of the galleries. It is one of the cultural arteries of the city, bringing together dozens of art galleries that attract art lovers, investors, artists, followers of alternative ways of life and many curious people.It is an aggregating and incentive place for creativity and the so-called urban arts, as evidenced in the urban landscape...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Urban development plans / Restoration of old town centres / Bars/Cafés / Exhibitions /Installations / Strategic Urban Plans / Markets
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