O2 Live Concept Store

Berlin / Germany / 2013

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The telecommunications giant O2 has created a real gem with its concept store. A total of 300m² of mafi „Oak Clear, brushed and natural oiled“ decorates the O2 Live Concept Store in Berlin, Germany. The O2 Store has been awarded the German Design Award, the Iconic Award, and the iF-communication Design Award. It is clear to see that professionals were at work here. The hartmannvonsiebenthal Agency was responsible for this successful concept.


Architects:  hartmannvonsiebenthal the brand experience company GmbH

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    The telecommunications giant O2 has created a real gem with its concept store. A total of 300m² of mafi „Oak Clear, brushed and natural oiled“ decorates the O2 Live Concept Store in Berlin, Germany. The O2 Store has been awarded the German Design Award, the Iconic Award, and the iF-communication Design Award. It is clear to see that professionals were at work here. The hartmannvonsiebenthal Agency was responsible for this successful concept.   Architects: ...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Corporate Headquarters / Showrooms/Shops
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