Spacious Villa with Italian Design

Rotterdam / Netherlands / 2016

14 Love 2,784 Visits Published

This spacious villa with Italian style has a typical farmhouse character combined with a modern feel.
It’s located in a green oase in a small dutch village close to Rotterdam.
Because of the close collaboration between exterior architect Friso Woudstra and interior architect
Martijn Veldman the lines of exterior and interior are merged into one natural surrounding with a
great detail of perfection and symmetry.

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    This spacious villa with Italian style has a typical farmhouse character combined with a modern feel.It’s located in a green oase in a small dutch village close to Rotterdam.Because of the close collaboration between exterior architect Friso Woudstra and interior architectMartijn Veldman the lines of exterior and interior are merged into one natural surrounding with agreat detail of perfection and symmetry.

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