Church's Garden - S. Maria del Soccorso

Noicattaro / Italy / 2013

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After the construction of the church, the parish required the design of a garden in the northern part of the complex. The garden would have to be useful for all Community's activities and entertainment for leisure. The project, taking into account all these requirements, proposes a series of spaces, such as a small pavilion, a basketball field and volleyball field, two bowling courts and a football field, as well as open spaces and parking areas, which integrate the nature enhancing the visual and by being flexible at the same time for each type of activity. In order to make these spaces accessible at all hours of the day has been studied and designed the lighting of the garden.

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    After the construction of the church, the parish required the design of a garden in the northern part of the complex. The garden would have to be useful for all Community's activities and entertainment for leisure. The project, taking into account all these requirements, proposes a series of spaces, such as a small pavilion, a basketball field and volleyball field, two bowling courts and a football field, as well as open spaces and parking areas, which integrate the nature enhancing the visual...

    Project details
    • Year 2013
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Churches
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