DENTAL CLINIC in Chamberí | LANDÍNEZ+REY | equipo L2G arquitectos [ eL2Gaa ]

CLEMENTE dental, dental clinic in the neighborhood of Chamberi, Madrid Madrid / Spain / 2018

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The project consists of the integral conditioning of a commercial space located in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamberí for the installation of a dental clinic and, in parallel, determine the parameters that will define the corporate image of the company.

The premises are arranged in two heights, with an upper floor access from the street that runs parallel to a broad facade front developed over five large gaps. The facade to the street, of northwest orientation, is located in a building with integral urban protection. Protection that prevents any reconfiguration of the facade gaps.

The necessary privacy demanded by each of the 3 dental cabinets with which the clinic is provided, as well as that of each one of the uses that these serve, mainly the sterilization room and the orthopantomography room, converts to the general space of circulation and waiting room in the real protagonist of the proposal.

Reception, waiting and customer service, as well as all the general circulations of the project are resolved with a geometry that aims to blur the limits of each of these uses, giving them continuity. This continuity is achieved by eliminating any edge and giving it a texture that accompanies and identifies that condition. Fluidity that contrasts with the parallelepiped geometry of each of the medical uses.

At the same time, and in three different shades of green, and in opposition to the introversion of technical uses, the spatial continuity with the outside of the clinic is sought at all times. Continuity that facilitates the availability, in front of the projected access, of an urban space as a widening of the street and "square" prior to the clinic.

These project principles are taken to the order and arrangement of lighting, to the color of continuous pavements, to the hierarchy of false ceilings and to the use of clean surfaces, and to the reduction of the number of joints in each constructive system arranged. All in three shades of green that identify the different public areas of the premises that, in continuity, generate a space that speaks of transparency, hygiene, precision and professionalism.

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    The project consists of the integral conditioning of a commercial space located in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamberí for the installation of a dental clinic and, in parallel, determine the parameters that will define the corporate image of the company. The premises are arranged in two heights, with an upper floor access from the street that runs parallel to a broad facade front developed over five large gaps. The facade to the street, of northwest orientation, is located in a building...

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