Residence Complex- Nature meets the City | Moshe Katz
a Luxury Living Complex- Urban square, commercial, apartment buildings and gardens. ZICHRON YAAKOV / Israel / 2018
The Project concept is how nature meets the city, together with the usage of the uniqe shapes of the historical city. transformed into a new architectural expression, with a stron emphasis on the urban square and comunity spaces.
משה כץ אדריכל זיכרון יעקב מתחם מגורים חדשני
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The Project concept is how nature meets the city, together with the usage of the uniqe shapes of the historical city. transformed into a new architectural expression, with a stron emphasis on the urban square and comunity spaces. משה כץ אדריכל זיכרון יעקב מתחם מגורים חדשני
- Year 2018
- Work started in 2018
- Status Current works
- Type Public Squares / Urban development plans / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Restoration of old town centres / Apartments / Single-family residence / Multi-family residence / Country houses/cottages / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Urban Renewal / Lofts/Penthouses