The Atelier - Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort | Giammarco Marotta

Meeting room Rome / Italy / 2016

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A small multipurpose meeting room, in the ground floor of the hotel, where it's possibile to organize an event or meet a small group of persons. The design is the union of a classic style linked to the hotel's architecture, to a contemporary one, using modern furnitures, a wood design with linear shapes, with fresh but warm colors at the same time.As always, a particular study is been dedicated to the lights, provided by Artemide group.

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    A small multipurpose meeting room, in the ground floor of the hotel, where it's possibile to organize an event or meet a small group of persons. The design is the union of a classic style linked to the hotel's architecture, to a contemporary one, using modern furnitures, a wood design with linear shapes, with fresh but warm colors at the same time.As always, a particular study is been dedicated to the lights, provided by Artemide group.

    Project details
    • Year 2016
    • Work started in 2016
    • Work finished in 2016
    • Client Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Hotel/Resorts / Tourist Facilities / Interior Design / Custom Furniture
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