House T | monovolume architecture + design
Interlocking parallelepipeds Merano / Italy / 2018
The house T a detached house located in Merano, consisting of a ground floor and a basement with garage. There were designed two buildings on different levels connectet by internal stairs, to better adapt the house to the sloping terrain.
The pure lines of the design are underlined by the execution of exposed concrete and the realisation of glass facades, which make the building complex appear clear and light.
The glass facade, doors and windows are designed as all-glass elements made of 3-fold glazing in order to obtain the best possible comfort. The roof is designed as flat roof covered with gravel.
The living areas open onto a spacious terrace and the pool. A seemingly floating staircase leads to the garden
Design Team:
Benjamin Gänsbacher
Sergio Aguado Hernàndez
Barbara Waldbooth
Ineinandergreifende Körper
Beim Projekt Haus T handelt es sich um ein Einfamilienhaus, bestehend aus einem Geschoss über Erde, sowie einem unter Erde mit Tiefgarage. Das Gebäude besteht aus zwei ineinanderfließenden Baukörpern, welche aufgrund der Topografie leicht höhenversetzt angeordnet sind, um dem in geringer Weise abschüssigen Geländeverlauf zu folgen.
Die puristischen Linien des Entwurfs werden durch Ausführung von Sichtbeton- und Glasfassaden unterstrichen, welche den Gebäudekomplex klar und dennoch leicht erscheinen lassen.
Den Wohnräumen wird eine großzügige Terrasse und das Schwimmbad vorgelagert. Eine scheinbar schwebende Treppe führt in den Garten. Das Gebäude öffnet sich durch eine Glasfassade und nutzt somit das Sonnenlicht optimal. Die Glasfassade, Tür- und Fensterelemente werden als Ganzglaselemente aus 3-fach Isolierverglasung ausgeführt, um den bestmöglichen Wohnkomfort zu erhalten. Das Dach wird als bekiestes Flachdach ausgeführt.
Parallelepipedi ad incastro
La casa T è una casa unifamiliare situata a Merano, composta da un pianterreno e un seminterrato con garage. Per adattare meglio la casa al terreno in pendenza, sono stati progettati due edifici a quote diverse uniti da gradini interni.
Il design della casa è puristico e questa semplicità viene sottolineata usando calcestruzzo in vista e realizzando facciate vetrate e un tetto piano coperto da ghiaia.
Le zone giorno si affacciano su una spaziosa terrazza e la piscina. Una scala galleggiante porta al giardino.
The house T a detached house located in Merano, consisting of a ground floor and a basement with garage. There were designed two buildings on different levels connectet by internal stairs, to better adapt the house to the sloping terrain. The pure lines of the design are underlined by the execution of exposed concrete and the realisation of glass facades, which make the building complex appear clear and light. The glass facade, doors and windows are designed as all-glass elements made of...
- Year 2018
- Work started in 2016
- Work finished in 2018
- Main structure Reinforced concrete
- Client Privato
- Contractor Reichhalter Roman
- Status Completed works
- Type Single-family residence
- Website