Geo-EN Office | Nenad Nasifovic

Srbobran / Serbia / 2017

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This interior is intended for the Serbian geodetic company, Geo-EN. Clients needed a unified space for independent work and for communicating with their clients. By highlighting the shape of the enclosed interior, the architecture permeates several generations of styles, which passed through this building, which now has the function of a business mall. For a long history, for a hundred years, the building was the seat of the occupier, and after that it changed its purpose in elementary school. The idea is that the newly-created interior flows into the existing state, not disturb the enclosed architecture, because the number of such buildings is getting smaller, especially in Serbia, and in this way to achieve symbiosis. With new elements and simple functionality, as well as interaction of styles, the impression of compactness and integrity is gained.

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    This interior is intended for the Serbian geodetic company, Geo-EN. Clients needed a unified space for independent work and for communicating with their clients. By highlighting the shape of the enclosed interior, the architecture permeates several generations of styles, which passed through this building, which now has the function of a business mall. For a long history, for a hundred years, the building was the seat of the occupier, and after that it changed its purpose in elementary school....

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Client Geo-EN
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Offices/studios / Shopping Malls / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Photography / Furniture design
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