UNI-11 | DRA&U

Benghazi / Libya / 2011

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The project consists of construction of three-story singlefamily house. We did not follow the urban context and proposed a very strong building impact, intentionally different  from the Libyan traditional construction. The true value of this project is the utopian aspect. Located within the urban context of Benghazi and governed by a rational Islamic urbanism, it inevitably disrupts the regularity of the houses in blocks and the concept of building – house – dwell with the very essence of liberalism.

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    The project consists of construction of three-story singlefamily house. We did not follow the urban context and proposed a very strong building impact, intentionally different  from the Libyan traditional construction. The true value of this project is the utopian aspect. Located within the urban context of Benghazi and governed by a rational Islamic urbanism, it inevitably disrupts the regularity of the houses in blocks and the concept of building – house – dwell with the very...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Status Unrealised proposals
    • Type Single-family residence
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