Residenza Lilium

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[ENG] - Lilium represents Prestige philosophy at its best. We create handmade Italian furnitures, reflecting our customers’ ideas and personality, considering them as the central part of their creations. We start by drawing some sketches on paper, then we carefully design and produce our custom-made furnishings until they become true works of art.

The wooden structures are well designed in order to make the environment more comfortable and welcoming. A real oasis from everyday’s stress. Prestige excels in the art of inlays on columns and decorative motifs.

[ITA] - Liluim è la rappresentazione di quanto sia reale la filosofia di Prestige: creare ambienti attorno al cliente, partendo dalle loro idee e personalità, mettendoli al centro delle loro creazioni. Il progetto comincia dal disegno su carta per poi divenire, attraverso la meticolosa progettazione e produzione dei mobili su misura, una vera opera d'arte dell'arredo. 

Le strutture in legno sono state studiate per rendere l'ambiente più caloroso ed accogliente, quasi a voler creare un’oasi dalla routine e dallo stress quotidiani. Gli intarsi sulle colonne ed i motivi decorativi su tutto il mobilio sono un'ulteriore conferma della maestria artigianale di Prestige.

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    [ENG] - Lilium represents Prestige philosophy at its best. We create handmade Italian furnitures, reflecting our customers’ ideas and personality, considering them as the central part of their creations. We start by drawing some sketches on paper, then we carefully design and produce our custom-made furnishings until they become true works of art. The wooden structures are well designed in order to make the environment more comfortable and welcoming. A real oasis from everyday’s...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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