METRINO | fernandes arquitetos associados

Metrino is a PRT - Personal Rapid Transit Dubai / UAE / 2018

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Imagine if you could overfly freely in one of the most beautiful scenery of Dubai city and it´s Business Bay into a vibrant and serene atmosphere. All this in a flexible, lightweight and secure way, through a clean and sustainable mobility solution. The Metrino is a PRT - Personal Rapid Transit - able to attract and connect thousands of people to their destinations over around 10 km, including the waterfront, the subway, parking lots, a connection to Dubai Mall and also to the water taxi service, getting small and medium-sized boats, individual or passengers, creating a synergy between the various means of transportation. Their "pod", a transparent and engaging capsule which provides a privileged view, is designed to accommodate up to 4 people, with an interactive control panel that concentrates all the functions, destination, system map, information about the city and its sights, music, alerts and advertising. Each "pod" floats through a system of light guide beams with supports in every 20 / 25m at a rate of 9.0m height. The stations, of an important role within the system, in addition to distribution points, are meeting points and benchmarks within the Business Bay.

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    Imagine if you could overfly freely in one of the most beautiful scenery of Dubai city and it´s Business Bay into a vibrant and serene atmosphere. All this in a flexible, lightweight and secure way, through a clean and sustainable mobility solution. The Metrino is a PRT - Personal Rapid Transit - able to attract and connect thousands of people to their destinations over around 10 km, including the waterfront, the subway, parking lots, a connection to Dubai Mall and also to the water taxi...

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2016
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Current works
    • Type Railway Stations / Bus Stations / Underground Stations / Cable car stations
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