Kacao | Afa Arredamenti

Capriolo / Italy / 2018

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Kacao – One Club is the new dance club that opened on February 16th 2018 in Capriolo (Bs).

Elegant, formal, original and trendy, the new local Kacao by Capriolo was created for a demanding, large and high-expectations clientele.

Rich and gorgeous in the interior, the Kacao One Club has all the cards on the table to become the new reality of great fun between Brescia and Bergamo. In fact, the interior was predominantly used in gold, a symbol of luxury and wealth.

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    Kacao – One Club is the new dance club that opened on February 16th 2018 in Capriolo (Bs). Elegant, formal, original and trendy, the new local Kacao by Capriolo was created for a demanding, large and high-expectations clientele. Rich and gorgeous in the interior, the Kacao One Club has all the cards on the table to become the new reality of great fun between Brescia and Bergamo. In fact, the interior was predominantly used in gold, a symbol of luxury and wealth.

    Project details
    • Year 2018
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2018
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Discos, Clubs / Interior Design
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