Haifa Up Town | Moshe Katz
Residential Complex Haifa / Israel
Haifa, Israel- Kiryat Eliezer
A new Residential neighborhood ca. 500 apartments, Urban design and public spaces.
The Dna of the site- the sea meets the mountain meets the vertical city- was interpretated in all elements of the architectural design. materials, facades express the crossection of the site uniqueness together with the public and socio-cultural spaces.
משה כץ אדריכל
Haifa, Israel- Kiryat Eliezer A new Residential neighborhood ca. 500 apartments, Urban design and public spaces. The Dna of the site- the sea meets the mountain meets the vertical city- was interpretated in all elements of the architectural design. materials, facades express the crossection of the site uniqueness together with the public and socio-cultural spaces. משה כץ אדריכל
- Status Current works
- Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Urban development plans / Neighbourhoods/settlements/residential parcelling / Restoration of old town centres / Apartments / Single-family residence / Multi-family residence / Social Housing / Tower blocks/Skyscrapers / Bars/Cafés / Pubs/Wineries / Restaurants / Urban Renewal / Lofts/Penthouses