Burj Hammoud waterfront - Urban Analysis | Lili Issa
BH Urban Complex Beirut / Lebanon / 2015
This project aims to revitalize an abondonned, polluted, dislodged and forgotten site of the city, with the aim of restoring its relationship with the sea and linking it to the city while maximizing the effective role of the surrounding industrial site, which forms at the same time a barrier between the city and the sea.
An architectural scenario is established: reusing the existing structure to build a project whose functions meet the needs of the commune.
This project aims to revitalize an abondonned, polluted, dislodged and forgotten site of the city, with the aim of restoring its relationship with the sea and linking it to the city while maximizing the effective role of the surrounding industrial site, which forms at the same time a barrier between the city and the sea. An architectural scenario is established: reusing the existing structure to build a project whose functions meet the needs of the commune.
- Year 2015
- Status Unrealised proposals
- Type Parks, Public Gardens / Waterfront / multi-purpose civic centres / Adaptive reuse of industrial sites / Landscape/territorial planning / Offices/studios / Colleges & Universities / Showrooms/Shops / Bars/Cafés / Restaurants / Urban Renewal / Warehouses / Recovery of industrial buildings