''Areland'' Nuts Store | Marios Chadoulos Interior Design

Larissa / Greece / 2017

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Spiral is one of the oldest symbols and is used
from the Paleolithic era in Greece.
The shape of the spiral is found in nature.
We live in a Spiral Galaxy.
Tornadoes, mollusc shells, fingerprints,
even the DNA molecule is in the form of Spiral.
Also, the spiral is connected to the belly as a center of power and life.



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    Spiral is one of the oldest symbols and is usedfrom the Paleolithic era in Greece.The shape of the spiral is found in nature.We live in a Spiral Galaxy.Tornadoes, mollusc shells, fingerprints,even the DNA molecule is in the form of Spiral.Also, the spiral is connected to the belly as a center of power and life.    

    Project details
    • Year 2017
    • Work started in 2017
    • Work finished in 2017
    • Main structure Mixed structure
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Showrooms/Shops / Interior Design / Markets
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