Winning design proposal Bryggepromenaden in Trondheim by Mareld & Kjellgren Kaminsky | Mattias Henningsson

Trondheim / Norway / 2007

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Mareld together, with Kjellgren Kaminsky, won a design competition in Trondheim, Norway. In competition with 28 architect teams.

The design proposal focused on a new public space around Kjøpmannsgata, the main street in central Trondheim. Designing it as a boardwalk throughout the city people can use it to stroll, meet, hang out with friends and play.

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    Mareld together, with Kjellgren Kaminsky, won a design competition in Trondheim, Norway. In competition with 28 architect teams. The design proposal focused on a new public space around Kjøpmannsgata, the main street in central Trondheim. Designing it as a boardwalk throughout the city people can use it to stroll, meet, hang out with friends and play.

    Project details
    • Year 2007
    • Client Mareld and Kjellgren Kaminsky
    • Contractor Trondheim Kommune
    • Status Competition works
    • Type Parks, Public Gardens / Public Squares / Urban Furniture / Landscape/territorial planning / Urban Renewal
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