Chaise Una

Rio de Janeiro / Brazil / 2012

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Inspired by the work of the Brazilian artist Lygia Clark, the chaise was designed by blending the brand functionality with a creativity and authorial approach of the designer by its minimalist language. The project was developed to create an sculptural appeal through formal studies that was focus on the objective and ergonomic issues. All in synthetic fiber with aluminum structure, its design is done consistent in every detail, further reaffirming the strong timeless identity of the product.

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    Inspired by the work of the Brazilian artist Lygia Clark, the chaise was designed by blending the brand functionality with a creativity and authorial approach of the designer by its minimalist language. The project was developed to create an sculptural appeal through formal studies that was focus on the objective and ergonomic issues. All in synthetic fiber with aluminum structure, its design is done consistent in every detail, further reaffirming the strong timeless identity of the product.

    Project details
    • Year 2012
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Furniture design / Product design / self-production design
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