Petting farm in den Uylpark | 70F architecture

A building that wakes up and goes to bed every day Almere / Netherlands / 2008

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ENG - Most city parts of Almere, a city with almost 190.000 inhabitants, have a petting farm. In the 'den Uyl' park there used to be one, but it burned down in the early 80's, leaving only its concrete foundation. Early 2005 we were commissioned by the municipality of Almere to design a new petting farm on the exact location and the remaining foundation. The building was finally built using almost only sponsored money, and finished late 2008. We designed a wooden box with an open facade system for the upper half of the building, allowing the wind to ventilate the whole farm continuously. Half of the building is stable; the other half consists of toilets, storage and on the second floor an office and storage. The stable itself has no second floor. As you walk lengthways through the building, you will pass the animals that are contained to the left and to the right behind fences. There are no doors in the building, but there are six shutters, two for the public on the short ends of the building and four for the animals, two on either long side of the building. These shutters will open manually or automatically in the morning, reacting on the upcoming sun, as they will close again at the end of the day, when the sun goes down. The animals will easily learn to be inside again on time, if they like. At night, the building becomes a light beacon in the park. One could say that the box, a building extensively reduced in aesthetic violence, wakes up and goes to sleep every day. ITA - La struttura è stata realizzata sulle fondamenta di una vecchia fattoria distrutta da un incendio negli anni 80’. Commissionato nel 2005, il nuovo edificio disegnato dagli architetti di 70F è stato ultimato nel 2008. La nuova “petting farm” di Almere si presenta come una scatola con un sistema di facciata interamente composto da pannelli frangisole in legno, che consentono una ventilazione costante dell’intera struttura. Metà dell’edificio ospita la stalla, l’altra metà accoglie i servizi, il deposito insieme ad un ufficio al secondo piano. L’area adibita a stalla occupa solo il piano terra. Gli animali sono ospitati in recinti sistemati lungo i due lati più lunghi della fattoria. Per l’accesso alla struttura non ci sono porte, bensì sei persiane apribili manualmente, dotate inoltre di un sistema di automazione che ne consente l’apertura al mattino, in reazione al sorgere del sole, e la chiusura automatica al tramonto. Di notte l’edificio diventa un segnale luminoso nel parco. “Si potrebbe dire che la scatola si sveglia e va a dormire ogni giorno”.
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    ENG - Most city parts of Almere, a city with almost 190.000 inhabitants, have a petting farm. In the 'den Uyl' park there used to be one, but it burned down in the early 80's, leaving only its concrete foundation. Early 2005 we were commissioned by the municipality of Almere to design a new petting farm on the exact location and the remaining foundation. The building was finally built using almost only sponsored money, and finished late 2008. We designed a wooden box with an open facade system...

    Project details
    • Year 2008
    • Work finished in 2008
    • Client municipality of almere
    • Cost € 150.000
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Theme Parks, Zoos
    • Website
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