Hissan Arabi | ALMA de LUCE

Folding Screen Porto / Portugal

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A dazzling legend tells a story of arabian horse, which ALMA DE LUDE leads us to discover through the sublime interpretation that presents in this piece.

The wonderful work of marquetry executed by the craftsman takes us to the hot sands of the Bedouin deserts where the arabian horse was born.

This is the oldest equestrian race in the world, with archeological evidence dating back to around 2500 b.C.

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    A dazzling legend tells a story of arabian horse, which ALMA DE LUDE leads us to discover through the sublime interpretation that presents in this piece. The wonderful work of marquetry executed by the craftsman takes us to the hot sands of the Bedouin deserts where the arabian horse was born. This is the oldest equestrian race in the world, with archeological evidence dating back to around 2500 b.C.

    Project details
    • Main structure Wood
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments / Interior Design / Custom Furniture / Lofts/Penthouses
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