Abitazione privata | Enrico Savoia
Verona / Italy / 2016
ENG - At the foot of an ancient Roman gateway, known as "Porta Leoni", this historically and architecturally rich home is located in the heart of the city of Verona. Careful restoration has allowed the installation of modern, functional facilities. The internal spaces have been reworked to modernise the various areas and make them brighter, creating a large open space in the central area of the house. The Action collection, in the Light shade and 120x120 size provides a perfect backdrop to the lightly whitewashed antique beams, and the large brick wall in the living area. Action is the perfectly companion for this design, whose interior is enhanced, in a unique, eclectic manner, through the owners' addition of vintage items. The design accessories accent the colour tones and different shades in the flooring, as if it were a giant canvas. This home showcases the creative freedom offered by Action in its balanced blend of art, design, and craftsmanship.
ITA - Ai piedi di un’antica Porta Romana, “Porta Leoni”, sita nel cuore della città di Verona, sorge un’abitazione ricca di storia e architettura. Il prezioso restauro ne ha permesso un adeguamento impiantistico e funzionale. I volumi interni sono stati rivisti per attualizzare e rendere più luminosi i vari ambienti, creando anche un grande open space nella zona centrale della casa. La collezione Action, colore Light, formato 120x120 fa da sfondo alle antiche travi, scialbate di chiaro e alla grande parete di mattoni nella zona living. Action si sposa perfettamente con l’interior reso eclettico e unico dagli oggetti vintage e personali dei proprietari: i complementi d’arredo evidenziano i cromatismi e i passaggi di colore della pavimentazione, come fosse una grande tela. Questo contesto abitativo esalta l’espressione creativa di Action: un mix fra arte, design e artigianato.
Il progetto di restauro seguito dall’architetto Enrico Savoia.
ENG - At the foot of an ancient Roman gateway, known as "Porta Leoni", this historically and architecturally rich home is located in the heart of the city of Verona. Careful restoration has allowed the installation of modern, functional facilities. The internal spaces have been reworked to modernise the various areas and make them brighter, creating a large open space in the central area of the house. The Action collection, in the Light shade and 120x120 size provides a perfect backdrop to...
- Year 2016
- Work finished in 2016
- Status Completed works
- Type Apartments