Fuglsang Kunstmuseum | Tony Fretton Architects

Lolland / Denmark / 2008

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Fuglsang Kunstmuseum is a purpose built museum for a public permanent collection of Danish fine art dating from 1780-1980. It is set in the countryside of southern Denmark in the idyllic Fuglsang estate and looks out over extensive fields to a nature reserve at the edge of the sea. Visitors see this view as they approach the Museum and again at certain points in the gallery circuit as a means of reorientation and recuperation. An entrance area provides a café, bookshop, a lecture hall and views into a studio for art classes and an apple orchard behind it. The galleries, have different scales and characters, and connected in several different ways are so that visitors can choose their route and immerse themselves in the collection. Each gallery was developed empirically bound together with the others, in a similar way to the buildings in Fuglsang itself, through slight differences and simple similarities. The building was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize in 2009.
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    Fuglsang Kunstmuseum is a purpose built museum for a public permanent collection of Danish fine art dating from 1780-1980. It is set in the countryside of southern Denmark in the idyllic Fuglsang estate and looks out over extensive fields to a nature reserve at the edge of the sea. Visitors see this view as they approach the Museum and again at certain points in the gallery circuit as a means of reorientation and recuperation. An entrance area provides a café, bookshop, a lecture hall and...

    Project details
    • Year 2008
    • Work finished in 2008
    • Client The Building Foundation
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Museums
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