Bassa California del Sud / Mexico / 2011

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"... In many of the architectural projects... his work with local stone is fundamental. The architect uses it in various ways- he manipulates it, cuts it or positions as it is- always with mastery and perfection, as the great builders of Mexico have done throughout the centuries as a people well versed in its handling. "I did my first house with lava stone in the Pedregal, neighborhood of San Angel", DV comments. "They were stones from the same place. A construction that brought  with it the history of Xitle through materials from a volcano that, thousand of years ago, filled southern Mexico City with lava. It was material underlying the building itself..."

Rosanela Alvarez

"... On the other hand, we have here an architect who has always favored natural materials, especially those that are available locally. Stone and wood are thus granted preference, as well as elements from lesser category, in which the hands of artisans take on special significance; the whole, as always, having been judiciously designed and planned by Diego, himself..." 

Louise Noelle Mereles

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    "... In many of the architectural projects... his work with local stone is fundamental. The architect uses it in various ways- he manipulates it, cuts it or positions as it is- always with mastery and perfection, as the great builders of Mexico have done throughout the centuries as a people well versed in its handling. "I did my first house with lava stone in the Pedregal, neighborhood of San Angel", DV comments. "They were stones from the same place. A construction that brought  with it...

    Project details
    • Year 2011
    • Work finished in 2011
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Single-family residence
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