Zurich / Switzerland / 2016

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Thanks to its skilful concept combining Bar and Living Room with Restaurant, Take Away and Sun Terrace, PURO is a special place for urban socializing.
On two floors DYER-SMITH FREY brought british-seeming, distinguierted Club-Flair to Zurich. To achieve this special character, the designers have uncovered the old masonry and exclusively built with noble, true and earthy materials: Checkerboard patterned travertine marble for the flooring, using the same but pure and raw for the tale-away-counter. Its backdrop is tiled with black-shiny relief showing prominently the steel lettered PURO Logo. Dark wood, featuring milled rhombus patters, a typical design element of Deyer-Smith Frey and striking brass for the stand-up bar. Opposite a raw concrete wall.
An elegant staircase leads up to the Living Room on the first floor. Bare brickwork, wide floorboards and the arched windows characterize the elegant country house-style of the room and correspond to the architecture of Fraumünsterstraße. Purly troweled, naturally toned walls complement the visible old stonework on the front sides. Classic Wingback armchair, lit wooden book-shelves and inlaid wooden tables, a special design by DYER-SMITH FREY create a cozy Living Room ambiance. Another design by the Swiss Duo are acoustic panels, allowing a peaceful atomosphere while adding another stylistic element to the room. A dark brown polished block from Moresco marble serves as a bar, flanked by luxurious bar stools.
Last mentioned, Zurichs most beautiful courtyard terrace completes the concept of PURO Social Club, creating an elegant and cozy setting for informal get-together.



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    Thanks to its skilful concept combining Bar and Living Room with Restaurant, Take Away and Sun Terrace, PURO is a special place for urban socializing.On two floors DYER-SMITH FREY brought british-seeming, distinguierted Club-Flair to Zurich. To achieve this special character, the designers have uncovered the old masonry and exclusively built with noble, true and earthy materials: Checkerboard patterned travertine marble for the flooring, using the same but pure and raw for the tale-away-counter....

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