360o Apartment | Diego Revollo Arquitetura

São Paulo / Brazil

55 Love 5,165 Visits Published

This apartment of 130m2 is located in Alto da Lapa in São Paulo, it belongs to a lawyer who purchased the property in the floor plan while living with his parents and did not think it would be married when move.

The first ideas exchanged with Diego Revollo the architect hired to finalize the apartment led the client to realize the error of the previous decisions.

As the project progressed, the client was discading several items already installed, as well as finishing bathrooms beyond the kitchen floors and balcony.

Diego Revollo explained the customer to keep the integrated environments need a more noble porcelain. The material integrated spaces and defined a more neutral decor.
"In contemporary designs the basic elements are very important, and these do not change all the time. They are perennial. "

The floor plan was modified by adding half the balcony living without changing the facade of the building. With the largest internal space the intimate sector was extended and aligned with the balcony door, so the environment has gained an extensive wood panel in American walnut with fixed cloths and large sliding doors, which give access to two suites.

The panel impacts, but who steals the look is the kitchen, the original configuration she was a separate room with the floor box in Cumaru Wood, the lining of the environment was uneven so that each reach the maximum ceiling height.

The kitchen was evidenced covered by an Italian porcelain tile floor to ceiling shades of gray. The mobile neutral balance around the joint leaving the Timeless.

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    This apartment of 130m2 is located in Alto da Lapa in São Paulo, it belongs to a lawyer who purchased the property in the floor plan while living with his parents and did not think it would be married when move. The first ideas exchanged with Diego Revollo the architect hired to finalize the apartment led the client to realize the error of the previous decisions. As the project progressed, the client was discading several items already installed, as well as finishing bathrooms beyond the...

    Project details
    • Status Completed works
    • Type Apartments
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    Lovers 55 users